Emergency/Support Numbers
The Healing Mind Hub is not a crisis centre and as such, we are not available outside of our specified business hours. If you need to contact your Clinician, please call The Healing Mind Hub and leave a message - they will get back to you within the next 2 business days. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call 000 or your local hospital.
Please find below a list of additional support numbers that we hope may be helpful.
Ambulance/Police: 000
Eastern Health Triage: 1300 721 927
Nurse-on-call: 1300 606 024
Lifeline: 13 11 14 - www.lifeline.org.au
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 - www.kidshelpline.com.au
Suicide Line: 1300 651 251 - www.suicideline.org.au
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 - www.beyondblue.org.au
Parent Line: 132 289
Safe Steps - Family Violence Response Centre: 1800 015 188 - www.safesteps.org.au
1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732
Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) Counselling Support - (03) 9635 3610
Mens Line: 1300 789 987
St Kilda Crisis Contact Centre (Homelessness & Housing): 1800 627 727
Rainbow Door: 1800 729 367 - www.switchboard.org.au/rainbow-door
The Butterfly Foundation: 1800 334 673 - www.butterfly.org.au
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation: 1800 858 858 - www.responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au
Bereavement Information and Referral Service: 1300 664 786 - www.grief.org.au